Thursday, July 16, 2009

Celiac Disease & Placental Failure

I found some interesting research regarding Celiac Disease and pregnancy and I wanted to share it with others. My son was induced at 36.5 weeks because I no longer had any amniotic fluid. When he was born we discovered that my placenta had failed and he had IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) weighing only 4 lbs 11.5 oz. We were blessed because he was fully developed so other than some extra days in the hospital everything was fine. When I became pregnant with my daughter I asked what was found in the pathology report that was done on my placenta. They didn't find anything in the report and had no idea why my placenta had failed. I figured it was a fluke so I made sure I was getting 80 g of protein daily and my daughter was born at 37.5 weeks weighing 6 lbs 14.9 oz, much better. The thought had crossed my mind before to see if there was a correlation with CD and placental failure and when I did a search yesterday I found a lot.

It seems women with CD that are not following a gluten free diet have an increased chance of IUGR, placental failure, and pregnancy loss. Here are a couple articles and there's a lot more out there if you're interested.

I've never been diagnosed with CD but this finally gives me an answer as to why my placenta failed with my son.


  1. Cindy,
    My son is almost 2 years old and it was just this summer when I had a positive Celiac blood test. I have been sick for 8 years and then during my pregnancy, 3rd trimester, my son quit growing. I didn't know I had Celiac's disease and I was eating a lot of Raisin Bran during third trimester. Because Raisin Bran is very high in protein, I thought this was good for me. Little did I know, it was high in gluten.

    Since the bloodwork and adhearance to a gluten free diet, my health is being restored. aI finally have peace and clarity as to what happened during my pregnancy.

    Your post with research articles were very helpful today. These articles offered me one of the last missing pieces to the puzzle. And reassures me that my hypothesis is correct.

    Thanks so much,

    Gluten Free in South Carolina!

  2. Hi Rocky!

    I'm glad you found some answers with the articles also, it felt so great for me to understand why my placenta failed. I'm glad your health is back :)

  3. I know that this is an old blog entry, but I just came across it via Google. My story is very similar with my daughter...I had to be induced because she had no amniotic fluid. After her birth, the doctor found that the placenta had stopped functioning. We are now three years into trying for baby #2 (with two miscarriages under our belt, one at 9.5 weeks). I was recently, officially, diagnosed with Celiac Disease. My research has yielded the same results--that CD can lead to antibodies attacking the placenta, thereby causing a miscarriage. Your story is the first I've come across that relates so closely to my own.

  4. Sylvia I hope being gluten free will allow you to carry a second baby to full term. We had a miscarriage in January and they are so hard, I'm sorry you've had to deal with that.

    I wish doctors would make testing for Celiac standard when women have fertility and/or miscarriage issues.

    I pray you get a healthy pregnancy and it's good to know we're not alone.
