Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, Noooooo!

I'm pretty bummed here as I've just read the ingredients in Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce. I've known it was gluten free but I didn't realize it had High Fructose Corn Syrup in it, why would they do this? All the other worcestershire sauces out there have soy sauce in them so now I'm forced to make my own. If I find a good recipe I'll be posting it here.


  1. bummer indeed. just made burgers with it - haven't looked at the label in years. i'm glad i bumped into your post!

    (cute pic btw!)

  2. It's actually a good thing for some of us. My husband is allergic to soy and gluten so he can actually have Lea and Perrins sauce. Maybe that is why it is made with corn syrup.

  3. I agree it's fantastic they are gluten free, that's why I bought it. BUT, I also avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup (which is not just corn syrup) because it is a terrible ingredient that is put in too much of our food and it's not good for our body. Why in the world does worcestershire sauce need HFCS? Why couldn't they use a natural sweetener instead? It's just another issue for my family and I was surprised to see HFCS on the ingredient label.

  4. Settle down. Corn is natural and the amout of Worcestershire sauce you are going to consume will bring scant amounts of HFCS. It will be ok.

  5. Anon - Lea & Perrins has recently removed HFCS from their recipe, which I am very thankful for, so it was apparently enough to where other consumers were noticing it and not happy. That's great if you ingest HFCS, it's your choice, and it's also great that I avoid it. You obviously have never encountered my kids after they've had a "scant" amount of HFCS, their behavior is not pretty and not natural.
